Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Battle Of The World War II - 2128 Words

World War II, which lasted from 1939 to 1945, is considered the largest armed conflict in human history. This war was fought over six different continents, in every ocean, and ultimately resulted in fifty million military and civilian deaths; including the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Within the course of the seven-year span of fighting in the war, two decisive battles changed the tide of the war in each theater: The D-Day landings and the Battle of Midway. The invasion of Normandy occurred in the Atlantic theater whereas the Battle of Midway took place in the Pacific Theater of the war. Although these battles happened in different theaters of the war, the Allied victories sent both the Japanese and the Germans marching†¦show more content†¦This attack, if successful would be every beneficial for the Japanese. It would not only allow them to enter Hawaiian water with a base in the eastern Pacific, but more significantly, it would strike fear into the Amer ican people. Because this attack was so important to Japan and they depended heavily on it, the Emperor assembled the largest force ever to be assigned in Japanese Naval history. This force consisted of eight carriers and eleven battleships and the Japanese looked to achieve their naval attack on Midway through the use of surprise and stealth. What they did not know is United States cryptanalysts in Hawaii had already decoded bits and pieces of their messages. They were able to decode that a large attack was going to take place but they were unsure of where this strike would take place. All they knew is the location was titled â€Å"AF.† They believed this location to be Midway Island, so through a secure telegraph, the United States told the island to radio message stating that they were low on water. As a result of intercepting these messages and obtaining this important information, the United States were able to prepare for the attacks. As Admiral Chester Nimitz in Honolu lu stated: Had we lacked early information of the Japanese movements, and had we been caught with carrier forces dispersed†¦ the Battle of Midway would have ended differently. Beginning his preparations, Admiral Nimitz ordered for sweeping

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